Established in 1987, several periods of transition have occurred having moved several times, the mailing address is the same: P.O. Box 3963, Louisville, KY 40201-3963. Currently mail-order products shown above available from home studio 1/1/11 to present. Always aware that Jesus made all possible, honestly worked in spare time, supporting this business idea from personal earned income so advertising was sporatic but all media has been used to promote this small business.
A Louisville Native, educated through Jefferson Co. Public Schools, learned early about "One Nation Under God" and the Free Enterprise System. With a strong personal relationship with God established as a small child, as I grew, being very aware of things happening to people that went overlooked, studied diligently to learn to reach goal of being a true contributing believer.
There are so many beginning with my parents, pastors, church members, relatives, friends, employers, etc. that have helped to achieve this goal and I extend my thanks and appreciation through Christ to all. God bless you!